Bells and Bellringers

Are you an experienced ringer, or wanting to learn? If you are interested in joining the St Andrew's ringing team, contact Tower Captain John Vigar 01458 250536 visit Group page

Ringing practice first Wednesday of the month, 7.30


The bells
Early in 2012, there were problems with bells 2 and 3. The bells were still on their original plain bearings and were now seizing up.  Bob Parker, who grew up in High Ham and learnt to ring at St Andrews, had to rehang the bells on sealed roller bearings as he had done to bells 1, 2 and 5 in 2001.

In January 2016, a redundant bell from Chawton Church, Hampshire, was installed by Bob Parker. 

Tower details from Dove's  Guide

Bellringers of the past                                                                                      


                    25th May 1920 bellringers Club Day              16th June 1951 Nora Ford's wedding day

'No bells were rung during the war, it was like a blackout, no noise, no lights. I know that our bells were overhauled in 1919, just after the war. They were rung muffled every Remembrance Day from 1921. In the past, the vicar would have wanted them rung every Sunday for the service. They'd ring for Club Day, weddings, royal occasions and other celebrations or events in the village - any excuse! The ringers used to get food and drink, they didn't ring for money then. Hackie Crossman, he was the Tower Captain, then Simon Spearing took it on, then Arthur Scriven - he was a relation of Hackie's. Jack Cullen, Jo Hurd, Cliff Crossman, Andrew and Fred Ford, Ted Priddle, they were all ringers. There wasn't so much entertainment before the 1950s so ringing was probably the highlight of the week then, a social occasion, they just met every week and rung the bells and have a drink up in the tower, and I daresay they'd finish up at the drinking house on the Little Green or in the pub. Harry Inder wasn't a ringer, but I know he would often appear up the tower with a flagon of his cider. The bellringers had an outing every year. They'd go round the village and ask people to contribute to their outing. I know Mr Hartley, who lived in the School House, he would give Simon Spearing a sum of money NOT to ring the bells!'  John Vigar, Tower Captain  

Bellringing  '23/'24 

November '22 St Andrew's Day, the bells of Sr Andrew's at Aller and High Ham were rung, aided by mulled cider.


19th September '22 The day of Queen Elizabeth 11 State Funeral. The bells were rung half muffled.


From left: Alex Long, John Vigar, Kay Vigar, Dave Scriven, Maggie Scriven, Debbie Ford, Amanda Chuter, Mary Magwick, Hannah Rice, Geoff Webb, Caroline Murray-Gourlay, Nick Fear
9th September '22

To mark the death of Queen Elizabeth 11, the bells were rung half-muffled.

Platinum Jubilee June 2022

  Ringing at John the Baptist, Pitney 2nd June

Ringing at St Andrew's 2pm 
We take ringing is taken seriously, but with plenty of humour!

Ringing at John the Baptist 3.30pm httpsc://

18th April '22 saw a gathering of many members of Vera Scriven's family to ring in her memory. The bells were half muffled using the muffles presented to St Andrew's by the family. 


Christmas Eve 2021 ringing

Remembrance Sunday 2021  The bells of St Andrew’s High Ham were rung half-muffled this morning for Remembrance Sunday: Tower Captain - John Vigar, and the other ringers: Andrew Vigar, Geoff Webb, Amanda Chuter, Caroline Murray-Gourlay, Nick Fear, Kay Vigar, Kay Vigar, Mary Magwick, Maggie Hibberd. video of the Remembrance ringing

04.08.21 The 6 bells of St Andrew’s, High Ham rang for the first time in 17 months. Not since 1919 have the bells remained silent for this long. Ringers: treble Jane Vigar, 2-Caroline, 3-Amanda Chuter, 4-Geoff Webb, 5-Nick Fear, Tenor- John Vigar. Other ringers Mary Magwick, Debbie Ford  video of the first ringing since before first Covid Lockdown

11.11.2018 Armistice Commemoration 

2017 Christmas Eve ringing 

01.05.2017 Open Day for 25 Somerset churches for visiting bellringers. 20 bellringers from far and wide - Pickering, Doncaster, Teignmouth, Isle of Wight, East Grinstead, Bredon Hill, Bristol...came to ring the bells between 4.30 and 5.30.

27.05.2016 1260 Doubles.60 Stedman, 600 Grandsire and Plain Bob Doubles. FIrst quarter since augmentation to 6 bells.

1. Dave Kelly, 2. Bob Parker, 3. Becky Dunnett, 4. Mark Woollen, 5. Mervyn G Buckley, 6. John Vigar - Tower Captain

2013 Christmas Eve  'St Andrew's ringing team' by High Ham artist Kate Lynch, commissioned by Amanda Chuter

                                                                        from left: John Vigar, Jane Vigar, Amanda Chuter, Debbie Long, Roger Hall



2011 Ringers whitewashing the ringing chamber